Collecting data on you all…

Jun 29, 2013
Collecting data on you all…


2 min read

CAA Report Image…but unlike the American’s NSA, we and Auckland Transport do it all with your consent.

A good chunk of our core readers (60 of you) participated in a recent Auckland-wide Auckland Transport survey about cycling attitudes and behaviours. We are sharing the report focussing on this part of the sample that arrived via CAA’s website link. A few items we have highlighted below, but for the whole, why don’t you have a look at the report?

  • 85% of you report as NZ European (we have our work cut out to reach other ethnicities!), and 68% were male
  • 23% of you came from the Albert-Eden-Roskill Ward, and 20% from Waitemata & Gulf
  • 7 out of 10 of you cycle commute regularly
  • 50% of you consider yourself as “very confident” on a bike
  • Yet still, “not safe enough” at 45% tops the list of reasons why you don’t ride even more
  • 53% of you are fine with using bus lanes if it helps the route, 38% of you avoid main roads as one of your strategies
  • 72% of you agree more cycle lanes are the way to go…

In our next blog we’ll share the results from the main part of the survey which asked these same questions of 1,000 Aucklanders, including non-cyclists. You’ll be interested to see how the CAA respondents differ from the general populace.

Together these surveys provide golden data to inform AT’s next piece of work – a draft Business Plan for Auckland cycling. We have suggested it needs to have an ambitious vision for cycling as well as priorities, targets and timelines which reflect the needs of the region’s existing and future cyclists. AT is not awash with cycling money, but there’s enough across the different divisions to deliver visible results to grow cycling numbers in the next 5 years. The plan will be effective if it ensures these divisions pull together to meet its targets.

More about this soon!

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Bike Auckland is the non-profit organisation working to improve things for people on bikes. We’re a people-powered movement for a better region. We speak up for you – and the more of us there are, the stronger our voice!

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