48hr chance to comment on boat trailers parked on Tamaki Drive

1 min read

Auckland Transport is proposing to extend the boat trailer parking ban on Tamaki Drive and wants to know what we think. The plan is to extend the ban for an extra 57m towards the City, and 79m towards Mission Bay. These extensions would take the ban around the corner approaching the Landing and beyond Ferg’s Kayaks..

We are pretty happy with the plan as it deals with the major areas where trailers continue to be a safety hazard generally because the trailers are wider than the marked parking lane so extend into the travel lane of cyclists as a pinch point- or equally risky – are parked with one wheel up on the footpath cycle lane.

We are aware that parked boat trailers have been an issue near the Ngapipi Rd intersection, so will ask AT to monitor the extent and safety of boat trailer parking on the full road reserve – ie berms and carriageway from Ngapipi to Watene Cres from now until the end of February. At the same time we are hoping that the parking enforcement staff will stay on the job in a diligent and effective manner.

We want to hear from you on this. Please log in either a ‘like’ or comment by Friday lunchtime.

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