1 min read
Auckland Transport is proposing a major upgrade of Te Atatu Road south of the motorway. Unlike on so many other roading projects, Te Atatu Road is to get continous cycle lanes for the whole project length – and they are also considering whether a shared, off-road path for school children and less confident cyclists could be included.
However, the project team has so far received far too little positive feedback about improving Te Atatu Road for cycling. If this lack of support continues, the cycling component of the project might be at risk. That is why we urgently need you to give feedback to Auckland Transport. Especially if you are a local who rides on Te Atatu Road – or would want to, if it felt safer – you should support the project.
Please go to the Auckland Transport website to give your feedback at such as:
- That you want to see dedicated cycle facilities on Te Atatu Road
- That you want an off-road cycleway, if feasible, for new or less confident cyclists
- Tell them why you support dedicated cycle facilities [i.e. for better safety, to allow children to cycle to school, to be able to get to the Northwestern Cycleway…]
Please also tell any friends in the wider Te Atatu area. Such a chance for a road upgrade comes by only once a generation – don’t let Te Atatu Road miss out.