St Lukes detour update – an end in sight

Mar 09, 2016
St Lukes detour update – an end in sight

Bike Auckland

1 min read

We’ve been given an updated completion target for the NW cycleway detour at St Luke’s. The newly built section is now scheduled to reopen… wait for it… over Easter. Which is kind of symbolic.

Thank you hugely for your patience during what has been (especially for commuters, school students, and those who rely on the path for local access) a long, roundabout, and occasionally bumpy process.

Over the next 6-8 weeks, you may encounter traffic management along the cycleway and around the traffic islands on St Luke’s Rd as the final touches are put in place. Travel well (and not too fast), say gidday to the workers who are surely going as fast as they can – and please let us know if you run into any issues so we can pass that on to the contractors.

Here’s the official announcement from Leighton (now officially CPB Contractors):

The St Lukes team have been working very hard and around the clock in the area to get the diversion open for the northwestern cycleway users but complications over the last month have caused the programme to slip. We have also experienced some delays in getting the new water main tested and commissioned.

The revised schedule now has us opening the whole section from St Lukes Road to Cardigan St on Saturday, 26th March 2016.

The next part of the works will be under localised Traffic Management, which will take place in the next six to eight weeks. This will involve the installation of the shared path light poles and permanent fence in the area.

The localised traffic management is to keep both the cyclists and pedestrians safe whilst we undertake the works in the area. Temporary signs will be implemented to show cyclists and pedestrians the new layout once the switch is implemented.

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