AMETI Pakuranga-Botany – Busway, cycleway to be unveiled 14 April

1 min read

If you have been reading these blog posts for a while, you will be aware that CAA is looking forward to see the proposed new busway between Panmure and Botany proceed, not only because it will provide some balance to the car-dominance in eastern Auckland / Manukau, but also because it will include some significant cycle facilities.

In mid-April, you will be able to see the proposed designs at an AMETI Open Day – if this is in your area, please attend and give your feedback in favour of good cycle facilities!

Saturday 14 Aril, 10am-2pm

 Te Tuhi Centre for Arts

13 Reeves Rd, Pakuranga

We understand the design has moved on somewhat from those artist impressions shown a while ago (see images at right), but that the cycle facilities will still be “protected”, i.e. have a separation from both the general traffic and the busway traffic. So it all sounds very promising – shame that construction start is unlikely to be before 2015 for this more easterly part of the Panmure-Pakuranga-Botany busway.

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