There’s something really hopeful growing in Glen Innes, and once it’s there most people will get so used to it they won’t even notice it. It’s called a bike network. […]
Thanks to everyone for your comments on Charmaine’s blog post about “ghost cycleways”, and the subsequent discussions on our Facebook page and others. I can see you share Bike Auckland’s hunger […]
The Glen Innes to Tamaki (GI2TD) shared path is second only to Skypath and Seapath in importance as a regionally transformational cycleway for Auckland. We long for the completion of […]
…at least, they do in this current consultation by Auckland Transport, which focuses on making it much easier and safer to ride between the surrounding areas of Stonefields, St John […]
As you will probably have read in our Tamaki Drive jubilation blog, a lot of big decisions are currently being made on cycleways in the Orakei area. Hot on the […]