Auckland Transport has now released its plan for Franklin Road (or download the PDF brochure here) which runs from Victoria Park up to Ponsonby Road. It is a steep road […]
A guest post from our own Richard Barter. The recent tragedies involving crashes between cyclists and trucks have created much controversy. There are few who would not struggle with the […]
Riding a bike isn’t just: a fun way to travel healthy giving independence and freedom back to children good for the environment a great way to connect with public transport […]
It’s not often that an intersection redesign benefits all road users – motorists, pedestrians and cyclists alike. More often than not compromises have to be made, and often it’s cyclists […]
Auckland Transport will be releasing this media statement later today regarding amended access to Queens Wharf. Changes to the entrance of Queens Wharf will boost safety for the increasing numbers of […]
A common theme among cycling advocates is that the more people cycle, the safer people on bicycles are. Recent evidence from New York appears to bear this out. This phenomenon has been […]