bike brunch

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Yarn For Pride 2023 – Creative Coffee & Crochet Circle

Cafe Spinetta 345 New North Rd Auckland, Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Bring your crochet, bring your knitting, bring another creative project, bring a mask, bring yourself - let's have a creative coffee at Spinetta!


Yarn For Pride 2023: Coffee, Crotchet, and Putting Up Our Work!!

ZEKI’S Mediterranean Bakery & Coffee House 543 Karangahape Road, Auckland CBD, Auckland, New Zealand

Bring your crochet, bring your knitting, bring another creative project, bring a mask, bring yourself - let's have a creative coffee at Zeki's!


Note: Most of the events on our calendar are community submitted, and are rarely run by Bike Auckland. Keep that in mind!

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