Hey, far Westies – join Bike Kumeunity!

Oct 05, 2018
Hey, far Westies – join Bike Kumeunity!

Bike Auckland

a knitted wheel guard
1 min read

We featured the wonderfully-named Bike Kumeunity when they first popped up – one of our most far flung Bike Burbs (and also one of our most creative, thanks to a membership overlap with the equally delightfully named Kumeu Knitty). Rolling into spring and summer, they’re looking to invite more locals along for the ride.

It’s a great time to get involved: with the SH16 project happening (now includes shared path, thanks to Bike Auckland making the case!) and lots more to come. Here’s what coordinator Christine Rose has to say:

Kumeu and districts offer beautiful bike riding opportunities, whether you want to cycle to work, the shop or school, in everyday clothes or even lycra! Bike Kumeunity has held successfully community rides in the past, and now we’re looking for friendly fellow-bike riders to join Bike Kumeunity, to help advocate for local cycling improvements, to help co-ordinate local community rides and to lend support and voice to the fun and efficiciency of riding a bike. Anyone who loves to ride and has some time and energy to spare to help make riding locally even better, please check out the Facebook group and/or contact Christine.

Bike Kumeunity, ready to ride!

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Bike Auckland is the non-profit organisation working to improve things for people on bikes. We’re a people-powered movement for a better region. We speak up for you – and the more of us there are, the stronger our voice!

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