Bike Auckland’s July Bike Breakfast brings free coffee, a temporary change of venue and more of you than usual… we hope!
It might seem a bit early to be thinking about July’s Bike Breakfast when it’s only mid-June, but there’s a reason. Some of you will already be aware that the big 2 Walk and Cycle conference is happening in Auckland in the first week of July – and it just happens to coincide with July 7th which is next month’s Bike Auckland Bike Breakfast.
Notice will be given to conference attendees – and you can consider this your advance invitation to what we hope will be a bigger and even more diverse breakfast than normal.
To accommodate more people, we’re moving the July Bike Auckland Bike Breakfast to Esquires Metropolis, at 1 Courthouse Lane/corner of High St. It’s opposite our usual meeting space in the Pioneer Women’s Hall – i.e. above and behind the waterfall with the statue, in the Metropolis building – because what better lair for a bunch of bike superheroes to hang out?
There’s plenty of space to lock up your bike in Freyberg Place and nearby – and we’ll have some bespoke bike parking, too.
To entice a crowd, the friendly people at Auckland Transport have sponsored breakfast and a hot drink for the first 40 who show up (that’s quite a few more than usual, so your odds are good and we promise the goods won’t be odd!).
So there really is such a thing as a free breakfast. AND, best of all,
- You don’t have to have attended before to attend the July meeting.
- You don’t have to be registered for the conference.
- You don’t have to arrive by bike.
- You don’t have to arrive for the start, nor stay till the end.
All that matters is that you have an interest in bicycles and turn up!
See you there. Where? Here…
Esquire Metropolis, at the top of Freyberg Square. Thursday 7 July, 7.30-9-ish