It’s Pecha Kucha time again! Well, it’s always Pecha Kucha time – who doesn’t enjoy great company, refreshments, and a stimulating roundelay of smart, funny, intruiging quickfire slideshow talks? – but we especially love the ones about bikes.
Vol. 51 is the Urban Transportation edition, with a dozen different speakers addressing the question of Auckland on the move – How do we get around in our city? How do we want to get around?
At least half the talks feature cycling as a transport choice, which is a pretty great mode share if you ask us.
When Tuesday 5 July 2016
Where Hopetoun Alpha, 19 Beresford Square, CBD
What time 7.00pm start/ doors open 6.00pm
Free entry, EFTPOS bar, supported by Auckland Transport.
Here’s the tentative list of presenters and topics so far…
- Rasmus W. Frisk, Urban Designer and Founding Partner of arki_lab, Copenhagen: ‘The Carrot instead of the Cane’
- Stuart Harwood, DIYer: Building an ebike on the cheap
- Nick, McKay and Haydn, AUT Industrial design students: Improving multi-modal travel around Auckland
- Silvia Spieksma, a local realist: On where private property meets the public realm [this one’s on footpath cycling, very topical!]
- Rob Mayo, Customer Experience Designer: Japan: the narrow roads of the deep north and what they mean for the Auckland transport journey
- Liz Root, CRL Principal Sustainability Advisor: Delivering the City Rail Link Sustainably
- John Fellows, Architect CRL: [TBA]
- Kathryn King, Walking and Cycling Manager, Auckland Transport: What is the place for cycling in Auckland?
- Rob Henderson, Project Manager, Christchurch Bike Share: Spark Bikes
- Jack J. Jiang, Urban Designer: Travel Behaviour: Laziness or Convenience
- Alain Brideson, Transportation Designer: From A to B
Sounds good, eh? See you there!