Quickblog: Carry on on Carrington Road

1 min read
Location of the new protected lane.

Doing the rounds of AT’s website, we found this short but useful bit of new protected cycle lane coming for the Pt Chev community:

AT is proposing to install what looks like St Lukes-style separators on Carrington Road, on the southbound section from the Pt Chev town centre and across the motorway bridge, as far south as Sutherland Road (i.e. to the Northwestern Cycleway entry!).

Sadly, this quick fix project doesn’t extend any further down Carrington Rd, because the lanes get a lot narrower south of Sutherland Road and then swing out around parked cars outside Gladstone Primary.

Despite the obvious limitations, we think this is a good quick improvement – because while the painted cycle lane here has lots of space, it’s still not much fun when heavy vehicles and buses rumble past you. Also, we know a fair few cyclists currently choose the footpath over the bridge in order to feel safer – which isn’t much fun for pedestrians. (The path on the west side of the bridge is of course a designated shared path).

So, until later  – maybe when the new Unitec development helps brings proper protected bike lanes to more of Carrington Road? – we think this is a great little improvement of the type we want to see more of. Take all those opportunities you can get, AT!

If you like it, please give feedback here before August 24th.

The new southbound protected lane.



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