Quo vadis, cyclists? UPDATED

Aug 24, 2012
Quo vadis, cyclists? UPDATED

Bike Auckland

1 min read

UPDATED / FIXED Survey into road user behaviour at traffic lights

In order to better understand cyclist behaviour and issues at traffic lights (and to provide some context for the next time a motorist complains ‘Cyclists never stop at a red light’) an Auckland researcher is investigating cyclist, pedestrian and motorist behaviour at traffic lights.

As well as monitoring actual user behaviour at a range of Auckland intersections, the researcher has also developed a short survey for cyclists.

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated in helping complete this survey (to participate, just click on this link – and tell your friends!).

The survey should only take a couple of minutes. We’ll publish the overall research results once the investigation is completed, expected to be around the end of the year.  Thanks!

For those who have already taken this survey – can we politely ask you to do it again, after the researcher had to pull it for technical reasons with the survey form. Thank you!

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