Spring forward – one last step towards the Onehunga Foreshore

Oct 22, 2015
Spring forward – one last step towards the Onehunga Foreshore

Bike Auckland

2 min read

Spring seems to be the season for new cycle paths to blossom into existence. We have word that the Orpheus Drive works are almost complete, and working towards an opening date of November 14th for the entire foreshore park, including the new shared path.

To complete re-surfacing works, there will be a one-day closure of Orpheus Drive on Wednesday 28 October, for all road users (including cyclists and pedestrians). The closure will go in at 7.30am and come out at 5.30pm, so will be in effect for 10 hours through the day. An approved traffic management diversion with signage will be in place for cyclists and pedestrians during the closure.


The map below shows the detour advised for that day – it’s a bit of a tiki tour up the Onehunga Mall and down Princes St and around the lagoon, but it’s only for 10 hours. NB the cycle bridges at Beachcroft Ave and Onehunga Harbour Rd will of course remain open. 

This is the final stage of the $28 million restoration project funding by NZTA and the Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board, which has restored 6.8 hectares of parkland and beach to help mend the way the motorway effectively severed local access to the foreshore over the last several decades.

And here’s a sneak peek of the 3.7m wide shared path (thanks to Chris from Fulton-Hogan for the photos). There’s just the “lines and the signs to go”, and it’ll be officially ready to ride from the official opening on Saturday November 14th.



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