For many years, we’ve been repeating the “it needs to be a connected network” and “only as strong as the weakest part” lines in pretty much all our submissions.
It’s great to see that is finally bearing fruit – with various cycleway projects starting to link up, and projects being actively being driven by AT / Council / Waterfront Auckland because they fill obvious gaps (including a few we can’t tell you about yet, but which hopefully will be able to soon). Similarly, we are getting more success when we point out individual flaws in proposed cycleways that reduce connectivity.
So today – a few images from two of our under-construction paths. A couple of days ago, we showed you Grafton Gully Cycleway. This of course links into Beach Road Cycleway – a project that in part came about because of the obvious “And what then? After you come to the end of the Grafton Gully Cycleway?” question…
Beach Road of course links into the cycleways along the waterfront, where also, authorities are chipping away at the gaps. Like with the Westhaven Promenade. Which of course leads what we hope will in not too-far-a-future be the south end of SkyPath…
So today (Monday), on the way to meetings – faster than driving, once you include car park hunting – I took a few photos of Beach Road and Westhaven Promenade for you…