Pt Chevalier Community Centre, 18 Huia Rd, Pt Chevalier

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  3. Pt Chevalier Community Centre, 18 Huia Rd, Pt Chevalier
Events at this venue

Pt Chev Mini Bike Fest

Pt Chevalier Community Centre, 18 Huia Rd, Pt Chevalier 18 Huia Rd, Pt Chevalier, Auckland

Pt Chev is having a mini bike fest! Featuring: free bike tune-ups from Bigfoot great new maps of local bike paths pedal-powered smoothies bike decorating! a 'bicycle shorts' mini film fest running on a loop in the community centre's theatrette info about local bike brainwaves, including a plan to bring the wonderful Cycling Without Age […]


Pt Chev Mini Bike Fest

Pt Chevalier Community Centre, 18 Huia Rd, Pt Chevalier 18 Huia Rd, Pt Chevalier, Auckland

Pt Chev is having a mini bike fest! Featuring: free bike tune-ups from Bigfoot great new maps of local bike paths pedal-powered smoothies bike decorating! a 'bicycle shorts' mini film fest running on a loop in the community centre's theatrette info about local bike brainwaves, including a plan to bring the wonderful Cycling Without Age […]


Note: Most of the events on our calendar are community submitted, and are rarely run by Bike Auckland. Keep that in mind!

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