1 min read

With just a week to go before we head to the polling booths, we thought it timely to update our Vote page with a summary of the cycling policies of our political parties.  Some of them are stand-out, while some are abysmal.

Go have a look here on the  Vote Page, where we also explain why we ranked each party with a particular number of stars.

The best outcome for cycling after 20 September would be in Labour/Green/Maori policies, with NZ First, Internet-Mana and United Future not averse to supporting increased funding.

The worst outcome would arise from National/ACT/Conservative policies.

In essence, it comes down to the centre-right promoting funding on roads to support economic growth, leaving precious little funding for cycling infrastructure.  The centre-left take a more holistic view, seeing cycling as fundamentally important in congestion reduction, healthy people, healthy communities, and reducing the contributors to climate change.

We’re struggling to see why the centre-right parties can’t also embrace this view, and encourage them to do so.  The health of our people, communities and environment relies on it.

Whatever the Government make-up after 20 September, you can rest assured that Cycle Action will continue to engage with those in power to promote the benefits of cycling, and encourage a tilting of transport funding towards a greater investment in cycling.

Our vision of cycling being an attractive, safe and viable every-day choice for all our communities is far from realised.  There’s a lot of work yet to do.

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Bike Auckland is the non-profit organisation working to improve things for people on bikes. We’re a people-powered movement for a better region. We speak up for you – and the more of us there are, the stronger our voice!

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